What Healing Work REALLY Looks Like

Hello! I’m so happy to be here with you this week!

You may have seen on social media recently, but I’m finally feeling better after a difficult first 20 weeks of pregnancy—and that gives me an opportunity to direct some more energy toward my work without sacrificing my self-care practices (and basic needs, honestly—I still can’t believe how much I’ve needed to sleep over the past several months!). All of that being said, I have some exciting things to share with you as we move toward the end of the year.

First, I’m thrilled to be sharing 2 bonus podcast episodes with you in the next month. One is an interview with an incredible natural health practitioner and the other is a solo episode devoted to answering YOUR questions about healing, relationships, attachment, connection, and anything else you’re curious about. Is there something you’d love for me to answer anonymously on the podcast? If so, leave me a comment below and let me know (or you can email me here)! I can’t wait to answer your questions. Don’t forget that if you have a question, others have it too—so don’t be shy. Stay tuned for those episodes very soon!

I’m also going to be launching a new support bundle that is filled to the brim with prompts, tools, and strategies to support you in your self-healing journey. Focusing on your own healing work is an incredibly powerful way to make huge changes to your day-to-day experience of your life, as well as directly impact every relationship you are a part of. If you’re not familiar with the support bundles I have available, you can find them here. I will be sharing more about the bundle in the coming weeks!

I also have special news about my online courses—but you will hear about that soon enough! Trust me, it’s going to be BIG! :)

As I’m working on these last 2 episodes of the podcast (for now!), I’m realizing how much has changed and how much I’ve changed since I started the podcasting project. Isn’t it amazing to look back over just a few months of your life and notice all the ways it’s shifted? I’m also realizing the impact these conversations have had on me personally and everything I’ve learned from Season 1. Each guest has such a unique story of healing and growing and I’ve also noticed that there are many commonalities in our healing journeys:

  • We all need quiet, reflective time to process our experiences. This looks different for everyone, but it’s critical that we create space in our lives to allow this process to happen.

  • Community is everything. Whether the people in our community support us exactly where we are, or they reflect back the growth and change we’ve made over time, our people are so important in our healing work.

  • Healing requires that we take an extremely honest inventory of our lives. This means we will have to encounter the cobwebs of our old memories and experiences in order to create an environment that is fresh and ready for our different patterns and experiences. This process usually doesn’t feel great, but it’s critical in creating the life we really want: one that feels whole, authentic, and connected.

  • There is no right or wrong way to heal. The fact that we are working towards healing and growth (at whatever pace is right for us) is the most important component of this process. Taking one step at a time is a beautiful way to heal. That means engaging in one interaction differently, reading one blog post that is alignment with the life we want, or taking one breath before responding to our internal experiences. Healing happens on so many levels and in simple ways. Your healing is valid. It doesn’t matter what other people are doing as long as your process is in alignment for you.

So how is your healing going? Take a moment to check in with yourself. What support do you need to give yourself the healing you deserve? I’m here to support you. We are in this together, always.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

