Boredom always precedes a period of great creativity

Hi there! Happy Solstice!

I have something exciting to share:

I'm bored in my business, and I am thrilled about this!

Don’t get me wrong—I absolutely love attachment work and that love isn't going anywhere. I began my private therapy practice in 2015 and dove headfirst into all things attachment. From my training in Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples to the first three levels of Dynamic Attachment Repatterning, I've been thoroughly immersed in the world of attachment theory for many years. The resonance I feel with this work is core-deep.

This boredom is related to how I'm sharing the information that is so important to me. I’m ready for something fresh and different, and I can feel it percolating as I take some time to organize myself, sort through my content, and shed the layers that aren’t working anymore. I can feel myself integrating the experiences of parenting a toddler and becoming a mother for the second time, including the medical trauma of our NICU stay and the impact it has had on our familial relational and thought patterns.

I also recognize that the landscape has shifted significantly since I began this work. I knew of very few people talking about attachment theory in this way when I started, and now there are plentiful resources for us, which is a wonderful thing! I have so much to share in this area and I would like to do that in a way that is unique and necessary, rather than contribute to an already crowded arena. This really is a lovely invitation for me to assess what and how I'm sharing, and make sure it feels in alignment with my long-term desire to contribute meaningfully.

Being bored means I have a sense of spaciousness in my life that leads to the next iteration of my work.

Something beautiful is coming!

That being said, I would love to hear from you! I created an extremely brief anonymous survey about what you'd like to hear from me in the future. If you have one minute (it literally takes 1 minute, if that!), your input would mean so much to me. Here is the link to the survey.

In the meantime, I'm practicing having fun (!!!) and trying things out just to see how they go. I have a few inspirational conversations scheduled with dear friends and colleagues. We are interested in exploring important topics in a casual way without the pressure of perfection or "getting it right." I'm thinking of these as campfire conversations, where we connect and share in an intimate way. I will let you know when we have the dates on the calendar and of course you are invited!

I want to share that Monica Leblanc and I will be facilitating another round of HELD this fall, beginning the week of October 2! If you are interested in joining us, you can submit your application here. We already have several folks interested in joining, so please let us know if you are wanting to be part of this dynamic deep dive as space is limited.

I also thought it would be fun to start sharing what I've been listening to and reading lately, and I would love to hear the same from you!

PODCASTS: We Nurture: Waldorf Inspired Parenting and this episode of We Can Do Hard Things with Andrea Gibson
BOOKS: Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde and Regenerative Business by Samantha Garcia

What are you listening to? Any good books lately? What is on your summer reading/listening list? Feel free to respond directly to this email--I always love hearing from you!

Thank you for your kindness and for following along with me. I really do appreciate each and every one of you. This work is so deeply meaningful to me and the fact that it is for you reminds me that we are all connected.

